Cloud Storage: Keep Your Files Safe in the Cloud

by Quick Advices

More and more people are turning to cloud services to store their data, photos, files, music, documents, videos and basically anything that can be stored on a device.

The cloud is a data storage system on the internet, it uses external servers to those of the user to store the uploaded information and protect it, essentially acting as an online backup hard drive.

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Among the main attractions of cloud storage we can mention the most common functions such as freeing up internal storage space on devices and generating a backup of protected files in the cloud in the event of loss of a copy of the same in the client devices.
In the unfortunate event that your computer or phone suffered an accident, was formatted without having saved something important, you were the victim of theft or simply a game with many more requirements than you had blew up your terminal in the cloud, you would keep a copy that you could restore to a new device just by accessing your Cloud Storage account.
Many technology companies offer these online storage spaces, some with free plans, others that require a subscription, offering deals and discounts depending on the plan you purchase.
Cloud storage has other uses, such as the ability to share the files stored in your account with whomever you want, quickly by simply copying and pasting a link, or creating shared storage spaces so that, for example, if a team of work must share information during the course of carrying out a project, they can upload their progress in an orderly manner in one place and the others can access these files simultaneously even if they are not in the same location.

Cloud storage benefits:

  • Easy access: Most remote cloud storage services have intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces, allowing anyone regardless of how tech-savvy or not to access these services and take full advantage of them.
  • Security: Because of course, if you are going to put your digital life in a safe whose location you don’t even know, you will be worried about knowing if your files will be protected correctly. The best cloud storage services solve this great concern with a redundant server system, which means that even if one of these terminals were to collapse, your files would still be backed up by other terminals in the network of servers of the company that offers the storage of data. cloud.
  • Cost reduction: Although they are usually paid services, cloud storage offers companies with a high degree of data generation the possibility of reducing storage costs, just thinking about what it would be like to constantly buy hard drives, costs of storing each one once it is full, and the hassle of then having to search for the right compartment when they need to review old data for whatever reason.
  • Automation: As we mentioned before, several users at the same time can have direct access to the same Cloud service, speeding up the compilation of related files but from different sources in one place. In addition, many of these services have platforms that, once installed, allow the files created on the device to be stored by default in the cloud, so you would not have to delay even a second of your time to make an upload.


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Cloud storage services provide users with a fast, convenient and secure alternative to store and protect their information while allowing them to save costs and space in their own environment. This makes cloud storage a more than perfect alternative to internal storage on devices.


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